SOUND BLASTER PRO LATEST INFORMATION ==================================== This file contains information that is not available during the printing of the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with any installation procedure . This file contains the following sections: 1. Removal of Microsoft Windows 3.0 support 2. SBSIM support for MIDI 3. New commands for MMPLAY 4. MIDI files 5. Upgrading of Sound Blaster Pro Mixer for DOS 6. Expanding of files manually 1. REMOVAL OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.0 SUPPORT With the release of applications and drivers for Microsoft Windows 3.1, we removed the Windows 3.0 software on the disk. Therefore, please ignore the chapter " Working with Windows ", which documents Windows 3.0 software, in the Sound Blaster Pro User Reference Manual. For details on updated programs, refer to the Windows 3.1 for Sound Blaster Pro User's Guide. 2. SBSIM SUPPORT FOR MIDI SBSIM (SB Simplified Interface Module) has now been updated to include support for the MIDI driver SBMIDI. To make use of the MIDI support, include a new section titled [MIDI] in your configuration file. The available keywords, and their default values, are as follows: [Midi] BufferSize=32 ; Specifies the size of the buffer ; to allocate for MIDI files, in ; Kbytes MidiMap=0 ; Specifies the type of MIDI file ; to be played: ; 0 = General MIDI files ; 1 = Basic MIDI files ; 2 = Extended MIDI files ; Note that types 1 and 2 are as ; defined in Multimedia Windows. Note that you need to load SBMIDI (the Sound Blaster MIDI driver) before you invoke SBSIM. The Music player program, MUSIC.EXE, has also been updated to play MIDI files. The command set is the same, except that the commands /REPEAT, /TEMPO, /TRANSPOSE and /WAIT are not available when playing MIDI files. Also, a new command is implemented to allow switching of MIDI modes. The resulting command set of MUSIC.EXE is as follows: Usage: MUSIC [ /Q ] option.. where option is one of: /PLAY:filename + /STOP + /PAUSE + /CONTINUE + /WAIT:n # /TEMPO:percentage # /TRANSPOSE:semitone # /REPEAT:count # /MIDIFMT:midiformat * midiformat: GEN, BAS, EXT (+ = for CMF and MIDI files, # = for CMF files only, * = for MIDI files only) IMPORTANT : USE EITHER SBMIDI OR SBFMDRV DRIVER ONLY (NOT BOTH). 3. NEW COMMANDS FOR MMPLAY MMPLAY (Multimedia Presentation Player) has now been extended to include the following commands: .REM - Adding remarks to the program. Lines preceding with this command will not be executed. .PLAYMIDI [Extended] | [Basic] | [General ] - Playing MIDI files with the MIDI file type specified. Default is type Extended. If type specified is General, DrmChnl indicates the drum channel used ranging from 1 to 16. Default is 10 if DrmChnl is not specified. 4. MIDI FILES The MIDI files in the subdirectory \PLAYMIDI are created to support the MIDI MAPPER and they comply fully to the Multimedia PC rules. When you use MMJBOX in WINDOWS 3.1 to play these files, make sure that your MIDI MAPPER is set to either the SBP2 EXT FM or SBP2 BASIC FM. Using it with SBP2 ALL FM will cause the song to sound "cluttered". For the PLAYMIDI.EXE program, you have to use the /FMT switch when you play these MIDI files. For example: PLAYMIDI Midifile /FMT:Extended or PLAYMIDI Midifile /FMT:Basic. Refer to the manual for more information on MIDI file format and MIDI Mapper. 5. UPGRADING OF SOUND BLASTER PRO MIXER FOR DOS We have upgraded the mixer (SBP-MIX.EXE) described in the chapter "Voice Utilities" of the Sound Blaster Pro User Reference Manual. There are two changes in this version compared to the earlier version: (a) The < Stereo on/off > option is now removed. This function is controlled directly by the software drivers. (b) A new feature has been added: : Default is ON. With the Hidden mode set to ON, the user can control all the volumes from the keyboard in the background - without poping up to mixer screen. To control the volume, use the key combinations of CTRL+ALT+u - for volume increase and CTRL+ALT+d - for volume decrease To togle on/off the sound output use the key combinations of CTRL+ALT+q To select the channel in-order to control its volume, use the key combinations of CTRL+ALT+m - for Master CTRL+ALT+l - for Line CTRL+ALT+f - for FM CTRL+ALT+c - for CD CTRL+ALT+v - for VOC CTRL+ALT+i - for Mic The pop up mode is still working in the same way as before. 6. EXPANDING OF FILES MANUALLY To expand files manually, run the LHARC.EXE program ( found on the "Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1" disk) on any .LZH file. For example, to expand INST-DRV.EXE from the PROGRAM.LZH file on Drive A, type: LHARC x A:PROGRAM.LZH INST-DRV.EXE This places INST-DRV.EXE onto the current drive or directory (assumes LHARC.EXE is already in the current drive or directory). ( Note: LHARC.EXE is a File-Compression program copyrighted by Haruyasu Yoshizaki. ) ********* End of README *********